Raspberry Liqueur

January 06, 2023

 Raspberry Liqueur

Make a liqueur out of seasonal raspberries to prolong the flavor's appeal. It tastes great on its own, in your favorite cocktail, or when combined with club soda.

Ingredients :

  • 4 pints raspberries
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 cups vodka
  • 1 vanilla bean, optional

Special Equipment

  • Cheesecloth or nut milk bag


     1. Macerate the raspberries :

Together, mash the raspberries and sugar in a sizable, nonreactive dish. A large fork will work just as well for this, though I prefer to use a potato masher. For one hour, leave the mixture on the counter with a tea towel covering it loosely. It will dissolve the sugar.

     2. Add the remaining ingredients :

After carefully transferring the liquid into an airtight bottle with a screw top or a sizable covered mason jar, stir in the vodka.

Add the vanilla bean pod, if used, to the mixture after cutting it in half lengthwise. Area the jar in a cool, dark place after carefully sealing it.

     3. Steep the raspberry mixture :

Gently shake the jar to agitate the mixture every two to three days; soak for a total of four weeks.

     4. Strain the liqueur :

Strain the mixture after four weeks. Set a nut milk bag over a non-reactive bowl or big measuring cup, or use a fine mesh strainer packed with many layers of cheesecloth. Pour the mixture through the milk bag or cheesecloth. You might need to strain it several times to have the liqueur crystal clear and free of pulp or seeds.

Pour the liquor that has been filtered into a fresh, airtight container like a mason jar or swing-top glass bottle.

     5. Serve or store the liqueur :

It can be served immediately to blend with club soda in drinks. It can also be kept for up to two weeks in a cool, dark place. Especially if you used a high-proof vodka, it will become smoother.

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