Air Fryer Bacon

January 07, 2023

 Air Fryer Bacon

Grab your air fryer if you only need a few slices of bacon. In just 10 minutes, you can have deliciously crispy bacon!

Ingredients :

  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 strips classic cut bacon
  • For topping, 2 teaspoons light brown sugar (optional)
  • Sriracha, for topping (optional)


     1. Prepare the air fryer :

Spray some nonstick cooking spray into the air fryer basket lightly.

Fill the air fryer basket's bottom with 1 cup of water. By doing this, the produced bacon fat won't burn.

     2. Air fry the bacon : 

Try not to overlap the bacon as you arrange it in the basket. A little overlap is acceptable. At 350°F, air fried the bacon for five minutes. You can pre-heat your air fryer using the instructions in the manual, while it is not necessary.

     3. Flip the bacon : 

The bacon should be carefully flipped, then placed back into the air fryer's basket without overlapping. If you'd like, you may now top it off with some brown sugar and drizzle some Sriracha. At 350°F, air fry it once again for five minutes.

     4. Drain and serve : 

Place the bacon on a platter covered with paper towels and let it drain there for a few seconds.

Given that there are just 4 slices of bacon, it's difficult for me to conceive that you will have leftovers. Simply eat it! If there are any strips of bacon left over, store them in the fridge for up to three days.

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