
February 25, 2023


Cachaça, sugar, and limes are the only components of the Brazilian drink caipirinha. Could there be a more straightforward and energizing beverage?

Ingredients :

  • 1 whole lime
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • Crushed ice for serving
  • 2 1/2 ounces cachaça


     1. Quarter the lime :

Lime ends should be cut off. Slice the lime in half lengthwise.

     2. Muddle the lime and sugar :

In a double rocks glass, add the sugar and the quartered lime. The limes and sugar should be thoroughly mixed before the lime juices are entirely released.

     3. Add ice and cachaça :

Pour the cachaça over the ice after adding crushed ice to the glass. Serve after a gentle swirl to mix.

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